Vegan Waffles 1

Vegan Waffles

Waffles always totally remind me of my childhood! I love the smell of fresh waffles just baking in the waffle iron. At the weekend I thought to myself: Why not try vegan waffles? After short start-up difficulties, this has then worked great on the second try. 

I did not have to use conventional household sugar but sweetened everything only with my (beloved) date sweetener. In addition, the ingredients are very manageable. 

The vegan waffles have become super fluffy. Perfect for a cozy Sunday afternoon!

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Tip in advance: I first tried it with coconut flour, but I can clearly NOT recommend. That was also the reason for the short start-up difficulties. The dough has become much too mushy and could hardly be stirred. 

However, I then still tried to bake it in the waffle iron, which I can also NOT recommend and was not really smart (haha). It all stuck to the waffle iron and has of course become nothing at all. 

After that, it took me a while to get all the dough off the waffle iron again. Therefore, my tip: Do not use coconut flour! Very bad idea (hahaha). 

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Why Is Date Sweetener Healthier Than Regular Table Sugar? 

Date sweetener consists of ground dates and they are naturally sweet, but at the same time contain some fiber and many other benefits. Therefore, in my opinion, it is the best alternative!

How To Prepare the Vegan Waffles

In a mixing bowl, first mix all dry ingredients together: Spelt flour, date sweetener, baking powder, salt. 

Then soften the vegan margarine briefly in the microwave (but not liquid!). 

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Preheat the waffle iron and grease well with margarine on both surfaces of the waffle iron. The dough will make about 8 waffles. 

Then follow the remaining liquid ingredients: the soft margarine, vegetable milk and mineral water. Mix everything well with a hand mixer. 

Tips for the Ingredients

Spelt flour: It can be replaced, for example, by oat flour (simply grind oat flakes briefly in a blender). 

Margarine: Of course, not the best or healthiest option. If you like the taste of coconut, then you can also simply use coconut oil. 

Plant milk: There are now soo many different options here. So, you’d better grab your favorite plant milk!

The vegan waffles are

  • quickly prepared 
  • also well suited for children
  • dairy-free/egg-free
  • sugar-free
  • can be made with only a few ingredients
  • fluffy and light-as-air
  • a perfect dessert

More Vegan Dessert Ideas

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Vegan Waffles 17

Vegan Waffles

Vegan waffles are perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon!
Print Recipe
Prep Time 10 mins
Bake Waffles 15 mins
Total Time 25 mins
Servings 8 Waffles


  • 2 cups spelt flour 250 g
  • 2.5 oz. vegan margarine 70 g
  • 8.5 fl. oz. plant milk 250 ml
  • 2.5 oz. date sweetener 70 g
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 2.7 fl. oz. mineral water 80 ml
  • margarine for the waffle iron


  • In a mixing bowl, first mix all dry ingredients together: spelt flour, date sweetener, baking powder, salt.
  • Then soften the vegan margarine briefly in the microwave (but not liquid!).
  • Then follow with the remaining liquid ingredients: the soft margarine, plant milk and mineral water. Mix everything well with a hand mixer.
  • Preheat the waffle iron and grease well with margarine on both surfaces of the waffle iron. The dough will make about 8 waffles.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 195
Carbs 30.1
Protein 3.8
Fat 5.9
Category Desserts
Tags dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free, vegan

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