What Can You Expect Here?
Hi, I’m Elena. I am glad that you have found to my blog. Here you will find many healthy recipes, all of them without meat and fish.
Since 2013 I have been living vegetarian, but meanwhile I tend to eat vegan. Therefore you will find many purely vegetarian recipes here. With my blog I want to inspire others to eat healthy food and show that this doesn’t have to be witchcraft at all. On the contrary: It can be very simple and easy!
In doing so, I mainly rely on fresh, unprocessed food. Because “healthy” for me means to eat as much natural and fresh food as possible that is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
I find it interesting, how food works on the body and I am firmly convinced that what you give your body daily has a great influence on your own health and well-being. In my opinion a healthy lifestyle is the best prevention to protect yourself against many chronic diseases.
Who lives healthy, lowers so its risk substantially at all the Volkskrankheiten, like heart cycle illnesses, diabetes type 2 or also cancer to fall ill.
Already more than two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, the founder of medicine (460 – 377 B.C.), formulated what we should remember today:
Diseases do not strike mankind like a bolt from the blue, but are the consequences of continued mistakes against nature.

Diseases do not strike mankind like a bolt from the blue, but are the consequences of continued mistakes against nature.