Vegan Green Smoothie Aerial Perspective

Vegan Green Smoothie

Do you sometimes find it difficult to include enough fruits and vegetables in your daily routine? Then try it with a smoothie, especially the green smoothies are considered particularly healthy. They are based on green leafy vegetables, which are among the healthiest foods we can eat.

Did You Already Know? The Advantages of Green Vegetables:

  • they contain a lot of dietary fibres, which ensure good digestion
  • they are rich in numerous vitamins and minerals
  • for a vegetable food they contain much magnesium, calcium and iron
  • antioxidants, which protects the body from free radicals
  • they are very low-calorie, therefore, perfectly to lose weight
Vegan Green Smoothie 2

So, if you drink more green smoothies or generally include more green vegetables in your diet, you can expect positive effects:

  • the digestion becomes better, so the body can detoxify much better
  • losing weight is made easier by the fact that the low calorie content of the vegetables allows you to eat a very high volume of food
  • the skin becomes better
  • hair and nails are strengthened

Green Smoothies are Very Variable

The best thing is that green smoothies never get boring, because you can make them different virtually every day. Omit or add ingredients, sometimes make it a little thicker (then it would be a smoothie bowl to spoon), sometimes a little more liquid, so you also absorb a lot of water at the same time.

As you can see, it can be varied quite a bit, you just need a green base for the green smoothie. My recipe should serve as a kind of incentive or inspiration, you do not have to take exactly the same ingredients and the same quantities as I do to get a green smoothie.

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From the given ingredients you get just under 33.8 fl. oz. (1 liter) smoothie! Simply put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until a green liquid is produced.

Have fun blending it together!

If you like this recipe, I would be happy if you share it on Pinterest!

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Vegan Green Smoothie Aerial Perspective

Vegan Green Smoothie

Discover the benefits of a healthy green smoothies!
Print Recipe
Prep Time 5 mins
Total Time 5 mins

Recipe Equipment

Servings 2


  • 1 cup mango frozen if possible (140 g)
  • 1 cup pineapple frozen if possible (140 g)
  • 1 banana
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 1/4 cup spinach 110 g
  • 1 cup kale 85 g
  • 1 fl. oz. lemon juice 25 ml
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup
  • approx. 20.2 fl. oz. water 600 ml


  • Put all ingredients in the blender and blend it!

Nutrition Facts

Calories 247
Carbs 41.8
Protein 6.3
Fat 4.2
Category Beverages, Breakfast
Tags dairy-free, gluten-free, low-carb, vegan

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